
Card Sleights

Biddle Move
Secretly steal a card onto the bottom of a packet as you count through that packet.
Boomerang Toss
A method for throwing a card in the air and having it come back to you.
Bottom Herrman Pass
Secretly control a card or group of cards to the bottom of the deck.
Bottom Retention Overhand Shuffle
Maintain a packet of cards on the bottom of the deck while shuffling.
Braue Pop Up
A bent card in the middle of the deck visibly pops to the top of the deck.
Secretly separate the bottom or top card from the deck or a packet of cards.
Charlier Cut
A fancy one-handed cut.
A method for moving a card or packet of cards to another location within the deck.
Move for splitting the deck and swapping the packets.
Double Lift
Show two cards as if they were one.
Double Turnover
Turn over two cards as if they were one.
Double Undercut
Control a card to the top or bottom of the pack while cutting the deck.
Flourish in which cards are sent from one hand to the other.
Elmsley Count
Hide the third of four cards as you count them.
False Riffle Shuffle
Maintain a packet of cards on the top and bottom of the deck while performing a riffle shuffle.
Quickly show a spectator a card.
Flustration Count
Make an entire packet appear is if it is made of duplicates of a single card.
Gambler's Cop
Secretly steal a card or packet of cards from the bottom of the deck.
Deal cards from the bottom of the deck while retaining the position of the bottom card.
Herrmann Pass
Secretly cut the deck.
Mark the location of a card in the deck.
Jordan Count
Hide the last of four cards as you count them.
KM Move
Remove the hidden card from a double lift.
Magician's Force
Force a selection on the spectator.
Marlo Tilt
Place a card second from top under the guise of inserting it into the middle of the deck.
Mexican Turnover
Switch a card on the table with a card in your hand while turning over the card on the table.
Tilt the deck upwards so that the spectator can't see the top of it.
Mark the location of a card in the deck for spectator's to see.
Overhand Shuffle
A method for shuffling the cards in a deck.
Secretly conceal a card in your hand.
A control in which the deck is secretly cut.
Secretly look at the face of a card.
Pinky Break
Secretly hold a division in the deck with your pinky.
Pinky Count
Method for getting a break below a desired number of cards from the top of the deck.
Pinky Pulldown
Method for getting a break above a desired number of cards from the bottom of the deck.
Ribbon Spread
Spread the cards out on the table.
Method for quickly thumbing through the cards in a deck.
Riffle Force
Force a card by riffling through the deck and having the spectator stop you at a card.
Riffle Shuffle
Method for mixing up the cards in a deck.
Rumba Count
Make an entire packet appear is if it is made of duplicates of a single card.
Fan the cards in between your hands.
Align the cards in the deck.
Thumb Base Break
Secretly hold a division in the deck with your thumb while in Mechanic's grip.
Thumb Break
Secretly hold a division in the deck with your thumb from above..
Thumb Break
Secretly hold a division in the deck with your thumb while in Biddle grip.
Thumb Fan
Spread the cards in a fan in your hand.
Tip-Over Change
Secretly load a card on top of another card as you turn it over.
Top Change
Secretly exchange the top card with another card.
Triple Turnover
Turn over two cards as if they were one.
Vernon Strip-Out Addition
Secretly load a card or packet of cards onto the bottom of a group of cards that you remove from the deck.
Wrist Kill
Turn the deck downwards so that the spectator can't see the top of it.